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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Busy-ness and a Bonus Dane-ism

This is how busy I feel:
Dane Cook has this joke he tells at the end of his first platinum (maybe?) comedy CD "Harmful is Swallowed" (which is just such a brilliant title, because of what he is implying that the CD and therefore his jokes are) about being late to work. The whole set up is that whenever you wake up, you look over at the clock (playing it's stupid clock games) and it's always like 8:53 (when you have to be at work by 9). In other words, it's always that time that you have to just get up and leave if you have any hope of not being uber late for work. And so, what do you do? You sit in bed in fume about how you can't do anything--you can't even make an English muffin!
Thus: (and this is where the comparison is at its weakest)

You are very very very trapped in a deadline you have to reach. There is no time to do anything but meet your task before the deadline.

All that to say:
I can't do anything! I can't even make an English muffin!

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