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Location: Montana, United States

Sunday, May 29, 2005


It is the first post-undergrad summer. Last week all I dreamt about was (a) Pittsburgh as it is portrayed in the Showtime series Queer As Folk and (b) moving out of my parents' house and into my graduate housing apartment that I'm on the wait list for. So far this summer I'm (a) reading Infinite Jest, (b) wondering how the last season of QAF is going to end, (c) listlessly cleaning my room, (d) playing Spider Solitaire, and (e) thinking about how I can't dare pick up a pen to write about characters when I'm floating here in oblivion just outside of Erie, PA. But at least I'm listening to Broken Social Scene.
I really need to start a blog. Then, I can express my feelings about such things as:
1. Star Wars Episode III
2. writing
3. the wasteland between graduating college and entering grad school/joining the workforce/professionally mooching of your parents
